Few Thoughts About the Art of Conducting
This article was published at the ORCHESTRA Magazine's №1–2 (57–58) january – june, 2020 edition. There is always mystery around the...

Несколько мыслей об искусстве дирижирования
Эта статья была опубликована в журнале ОРКЕСТР № 1-2 (57-58) за январь - июнь 2020 года. В работе дирижера всегда есть загадка, как будто...

Concert photos and critique
These photos were taken on 11/23/2019. I was conducting a concert with the Bläserphilharmonie der Stadt Blaustein in Ulm, Germany.

Rehearsal of "Gallimaufry" by Guy Woolfenden
Short video of the rehearsal of "Gallimaufry" by Guy Woolfenden, 21/11/19, with the Bläserphilharmonie der Stadt Blaustein
Coyote Creek Music Festival
I'm happy to announce that I am one of the artists of the Coyote Creek Music Festival! Please visit the festival's web page here to learn...

Caliente! An amazing event by Space Coast Symphony Orchestra
From Cuba to Argentina, the Space Coast Symphony Orchestra criss-crosses the globe with music from and inspired by Latin America. Join...

Conducting the Qeen's Band
Between June 24-27 I was conducting the Queen's Band in Copenhagen, Denmark

Masterclass and Conducting at the South-Peru National Band Conference
Last week I was honored to hold a masterclass and to conduct at the South-Peru National Band Conference in Arequipa, Peru.

NorCal Music Festival, Morgan Hill, CA
Last week I conducted at the NorCal Music Festival where 80 Musicians represented 20 countries. There were over 40 performances, with...