In Memory of Dr. Zoltán Falvy (August 28, 1928 – June 15, 2017)

Located in East-Europe, working during the second half of the 20th century, Dr. Zoltán Falvy was one of the most significant Hungarian musicologists engaged with the history of wind music. His publications focusing on solo and chamber winds such as his monograph on the “tárogató” and the published collection of chamber wind music of Georg Druschetzky demonstrate his interest and productivity. In appreciation of his contribution to the history of wind music history, IGEB awarded him honorary membership in 2004.
His main research focused on Medieval music, collecting and studying original manuscripts from the middle ages that were preserved in Hungarian libraries. He was looking for connections between the Hungarian and European Gregorian chants, and analyzed the work of minstrels and troubadours in Hungary. He also left significant information regarding iconography and organology.
As a musician, he prepared himself by studying composition, organ, music education and the liberal arts (history, Hungarian, and library science) in Budapest.
He worked at the music department of the National Széchényi Library, Budapest, from 1952 to 1961. In 1961, he supported the establishment of the Bartók Archive, where he worked as secretary from 1963 to 1969. In 1968, he founded the Museum of Hungarian Music History, where he directed the Institute of Musicology from 1980 to 1998.
His contribution to Hungarian culture through the results of his blossoming research was awarded with the Hungarian National Award in 1964.
His most important publications were:
A Gráci Antifonárium (The Antiphonarium of Graz), 1956
Linus-féle XVIII. századi táncgyűjtemény (The 18th Century Linus dance collection), 1957
A magyar zenetörténet képeskönyve (The Hungarian Music History Picture Book), 1960
Codex Albensis: Ein Antiphonar aus dem 12. Jahrhundert (Codex Albensis: An antiphonary from the 13th century) with Mezey László, 1963
Drei Reimoffizien aus Ungarn und ihre Musik (Three Hungarian Divine Office poems and their music), 1968
A magyar zenetörténet képeskönyve (The History of Hungarian Music), 1980 Mediterranean Culture and Troubadour Music, 1986
Studies in Central and Eastern European Music, 1986
Verzeichnis der Noten fur Harmonie-Musik und Blasorchester in der Festetics-Sammlung in Keszthely / Ungarn (Catalog of the Music for Harmoniemusiky and Wind Band in the Festetics collection in Keszthely, Hungary), In: Musica Pannonica 2, 1993
Das Tárogató (The Tárogató), In: Musica Pannonica 3, 1998
Symphonia Hungarorum: A Thousand Years of Music Culture in Hungary, Exhibition Catalogue, 2000
Ungarische Musikgeschichte (Hungarian Music History), In: Musica Pannonica 4, 2000
Laszlo Marosi