Gloomy Sunday and the National Symphony of Honduras
I am very happy to share that earilier this month I appeared on the nationally syndicated NPR program "Snap Judgement," speaking about the song Gloomy Sunday. This very famous song has been recoreded by artists like Billie Holiday, Elvis Costello and Björk, but the composer was Hungarian, Rezső Seress.
The song has a beautifully tragic story that you can listen to here.
On September 1st I had the opportunity to perform with the National Philharmonic of Honduras and the Vienna Boys Choir. It was a beautiful concert and an honor to conduct such a group.The concert was reviewed in La Prensa and La Tribuna.
Later this month I will be performing with the Symphonic Orchestra of Guanajuato, check back soon for video from that performance.
Thank you for reading!